FAQ Part 9

I am 18 and from Germany. I found your site. You have a superlook in your corset.
Can I ask some questions about your life???
Is it right that you wear your corsett 24/7? Do you have all the time only 15 inch? What do feel if you take it off? What do you feel if you take it on?
I believe that live is very difficult for you and that you need a lot of discipline to stay all the in a corset or am I wrong. It will be great to hear something from you

It was so nice of you to take time to write to me. I do wear a corset 24/7 and have been for so many years that I am very comfortable wearing it. Actually leaving it on all the time is easier since you don't have to become accustomed to the tightness each time you wear it.
Are you interested in wearing a corset or do you have friends who do? It is certainly a big fashion statement these days.

Cathie, congratulations on your wonderful waist. I know there are many pictures in the gallery of your corsets and wonderful Vicorian dresses, but I think there would be an interest in the dressing process, from corset outwards.

We do have a series of pictures showing the "layers". We'll get them together in the near future.

Hi Cathie
I think a video would be a great idea, released on DVD it should have a future and it would be such a shame if your wonderful waist was not recorded in as meny ways as possible.
Admiringly yours

We do not have a video that is publicly available but have contemplated creating one if we knew there would be enough interest. There is a reasonable cost involved producing something which is not totally amateurish! Your thoughts as to interest are welcome.

Hi Cathie:
The corset in your gallery 12 is absolutely stunning. What is your waist size in that corset? Every picture on your website shows your magnificent waist tightly laced but none with the corset just put on before being laced. Since you stated your uncorsetted waist is 21 inches, it would be nice to see pictures of what that corset looks like when just put on and then every inch or so of the waist transformation until finish laced. If that corset is 15 inches, that would be 5 or 6 pictures of the lacing process. I'm sure everyone would enjoy seeing them. Is this possible? I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks.

Thanks for your note. We will take some "progressive" pictures soon.

Thanks for the answer.
I like to the figure and and like to talk to human being which do something special. I want to understand their sport. I for myself have enough problem to wear my bra during the day. But I do a lot of sport so I have to do it.
But what is you idea to live in the corset? Do want to have the figure or do like the tightness or do only want to be unusuall? You open the corset everyday for washing yourself what do you feel then? Do you feel free then ? What happens if you close it again do you like this? How long you need to close it? Do you have then any pressure to your body or is your body now like the corset?
What happens if you go in public how do people react? Can you live a normal live doing sport ,work in house and garden and so on or are there some borders for you? Can you go to 14 inch or so ?

I got interested in the corset in order to make Victorian style clothing look proper. As I mentioned to you before it is easier for me to leave it on than to take it off and put it back on--I'm a little bit lazy you might say. The climate where we live is generally on the cool side so at least except for summer time it is not necessary to shower every day. We do have a bidet so that takes care of keeping those areas clean and the rest of my skin actually benefits from not being subjected to soap and hot water daily--that tends to be very drying for the skin.
I have corsets made by several differnt corset makers and they each have individual styles and shapes so the pressure points might be slightly different from one to the other so I am aware of that when I change corsets.
I am used to the public awareness. The people in the town where we live are also used to seeing me around and rarely say anything. In new surroundings people sometimes comment but it doesn't bother me.
I live a very normal life--do my own housework, shopping errands, and even deep-sea fishing while wearing my corset. I have no desire to get my waist any smaller. That would require new corsets and clothing to wear over them.
I don't know if you have seen the web-site that jc creations created for me. They do a wonderful, tasteful job and it might interest you if you haven't seen it: cathiejung.com.
What kinds of sports do you do?
Cathie Jung