FAQ Part 1

Have you had any ribs removed?

Bacause my husband is an orthopaedic surgeon, people are naturally doubly suspicious. When I appeared on a Japanese TV production they wanted to know the "truth" and documented the issue by taking X-rays which demonstrated the presence of all my ribs.

Why did you want to achieve the "Guiness Record"?

Records were never my goal. My interest in wearing a corset stemmed from wearing Victorian costumes and having them look well. This was achieved by wearing appropriate corsets under the dresses. When a corset became loose fitting I would order a smaller one. I have not ordered anything smaller since 1998 or earlier. Actually Guiness pursued me for at least one year before I agreed to appear on their program.

At what age did you start wearing corsets?

I wore a custom made corset under my wedding gown in 1959. After that, while my children were growing up, I only wore a corset sporadically under a special dress. We didn't have time or resources to pursue a custom corset nor did we know of any custom corsetiers. I was forty-three when we made our first trip to England and Germany and had my first custom corsets made.

Is there any key to successful corset-wearing?

I'd say two: A custom, well-fitting corset; not trying to achieve unreasonable reduction at any one time--take things slowly!!

Do you sleep in your corset?

I wear my corset 24/7 except for showers. I find this easier than adjusting to the tightness each time you put it on.